Martes, Nobyembre 29, 2011

"Ten Questions"

1. Think of person who made a positive difference in your life. What qualities does that I person have that you would like to develop?
Answer :
Actually I do have too many person whom I really admire when it comes to personality, maybe to be specific, i would like to say that Chef Boy Logro was the highest when it comes to rank. Why? Because he is one of the known man who is very good when it comes to perseverance. Hardworking, witty, funny and very down to earth, are also the thing which describes him by most of the people known him. I must say that he made my life a bit positive, because ever since I always wanted to be a chef but to think that most of chefs are came from the upper society makes me feel so dumb. I lost my confidence in making my dream come true by then but when I first known Chef Logro, man from a poor family, lived in Tondo, work as a kitchen helper and now known as the master chef of the Philippines. Everytime I got to know him better, I got my confidence boost up and now I can say to myself that I can do it even I'm not that thrifty, all I have to do is to believe in myself and everything will work out as I planned.

2.Imagine 20 years from now, you are surrounded by the most important people in your life. Who are they and what are you doing?
Answer :
Maybe by then I am going to be a boss of my own company, surrounded by my clients, share holders and my employees. We are merely discussing about our company's expansion on the other country. ^^

3.If a steal beam (6 inches wide) was place across two skyscrapers. For what reason would you be willing to cross? A Thousand dollars? A million? Your pet? Your brother?Fame? Think carefully.
Answer :
To tell you frankly, I would rather cross it if there's a million dollar on the other side rather than for my brother since I know that my brother is very brave to cross it by himself. I pick that million dollar not just for myself but also for my family and for my future. I want to have it since it is too hard to live here without any money.

4.If you could spend one day in a great library studying anything you wanted. What would you study?
Answer :
I am really a big fan of self help books, since we are not likely to spend money on a simple things like hiring a handyman. I tend to study all the things that is needed to help my family on fixing anything. So if I had a chance to be in a great library, I would still like to study those kind of books. And also I wanted to read something like inspiring books that will more likely help me boost up my confidence and live my life grow fonder.

5.List 10 things you love to do. It could be singing, dancing, looking at magazines, drawing, reading, daydreaming, anything you absolutely love to do.
Answer :
     ♪  singing
     ♪  listening to musics to sooth up my mood swings
     ♪  playing with my baby nephews
     ♪  reading books and mags
     ♪  playing guitar
     ♪  watching documentaries
     ♪  go on social networking
     ♪  internet surfing
     ♪  read funny articles
     ♪  cooking

6.Describe a time when you were deeply inspired.
Answer :
I am deeply inspired when the time someone believes in me, comforts me when I am not in mood. And every time I watched somebody who comes from the not so rich family go up and have a better living. I feel like I can also do it, as if theres something inside me saying that I can do much better than them I just have to believe in myself and be confident.

7.Five years from now, your local paper does a story about you and they want to interview three people. A parent, a brother or sister, and a friend. What would you want them to say about you?
Answer :
If that happens after five years, I wanted my friend and my parents to be interviewed. I wanted them to say those things like how I treated them, what did I do for them to live a better lives and what are the things that I do to get on top.

8.Think of something that represents you - a rose, a song, on animal - Why does it represent you?
Answer :
I think a song represents me, why? Because just like a song, it has a lyrics on it that sometimes loved by anybody, misinterpret by those who don't know me that much but you really can't get enough of it. And also, like a song, I do have so many genre or for me its like a mood swings. Unpredictable.

9.If you could spend one hour with any person who ever lived, who would that be? Why that person? What would you ask?
Answer :
I prefer to spend that hour with my boss, I wanted to ask if I really do good at work and all of the things that I have to know to be able to improve my performance. I prefer to be not too personal because I don't want to change their impression on me. I think what they know about me enough even if its not that good.

10.Everyone has one or more talents. Which of ones above are you good at? Or write down ones not listed.
Answer :
To tell you the truth, I don't focus myself into something, I prefer to know all the things rather than very good at just only one thing. Maybe for you to be satisfied, I would say that I am good at cooking, though not as good as those professionals out there but I am proud to say that I can do a good dish out from a scratch or left over. I don't go to culinary schools since its too expensive but I might say that by watching chef's techniques and tricks, I know that I am good in it.

Linggo, Nobyembre 20, 2011

A. Justify why you should be a part of your community

Community as a meaning is a group of interacting people, possibly living in close proximity, and often refers to a group that shares some common values, and is attributed with social cohesion within a shared geographical location, generally in social units larger than a household.

So how am I going to justify why I should be a part of my community? My answer is pretty simple, though I am not so good when it comes with mingling with other people, the proximity close to my family is an exception, I live in this community not by myself but with my family, and because the majority of the people around here is my relatives, I should be counted. The social cohesion between our community are totally acceptable and by those things, I can easily build rapport to them.

Though there are certain things that I can't do in order to enhance my community because I am not so outgoing, I am open whenever they needed me. They can always count on me when it comes with the things that I am really good at.

B.List 10 things to do to enhance your community

In order to enhance my community, these are the things that I can do for them, even a little thing can be set to make a big difference in order to improve my community :

Give back to your community by volunteering. No matter what you are doing, there's a plenty of hours that you can do for your community. This will broaden up your relationship around your neighborhood.

Clean up your community. Cleaning your community not only gives a healthy living for your neighborhood but also for your family, since you are also living on the same area. Just be sure to take proper safety precautions.

Be a part of safety awareness for your community. Safety should be taken part for your community since your neighborhood is getting larger. There are so many things that should known and since not all people knew it, you should take stand to help others what they have to know about it.

Be active for your community. Voicing out doesn't mean that you are taking control, since few of your neighborhood are taking part of it, you should volunteer and be part of your community. Take stand and join local activities in church events, etc.

Plan social activities in your community. Or be part of it, Philippines do have so many out of school youth and setting up a hobby will help them move out of the possibility to do something not so healthy. It will also show any visitors to your community that it is a friendly and pleasant place to live.

Set good examples. Concentrating on faults of others are always what you can hear on the mouth of many chismosas in your neighborhood. This not good especially when that someone speaking of knows it. Be a good example by setting up a good behavior. Just be friendly and keeping yourself busy in your house will be a very good thing to do instead of joining them.

Give yourself a time to go on a few trips for your community.Taking trips on your community let you know the things that you don't know about your community. You will know which part that is needing improvements.

Post some poster regarding the family awareness.Because most of the family don't have formal knowledge on how to make a healthy living, one should be a part even by just posting something on a national road for them to be able to read it.

Find out what your community is doing on Earth day. Some people especially on the television always having something to be able to help for the Mother Earth. You can talk to other person in your community whether they wanted to be involve in those kind of activity since it is for the nature.

Always follow the rules of your community. Simple things like following the rules of your government set a good example for others. This also lessen up the government's burden in order to have a peaceful community.

Reference :

What is my role in our community?

To tell you honestly, i am not quite sure on what is really my role in my community since i am not an outgoing person. Maybe i am the one who is typical part of a community which really don't wanted to excessively mingle with a not so kind of people. I'm not saying that those people in our community are like animals or something. Maybe I was just like other people out there whose not going to go out if there's nothing important to do.

Maybe there are times that I do participate in order to get some money, like every elections, I volunteer to be a poll clerk, not only to get some money but of course to know what's the latest on election result. That way, I can also have a big role on how to cope up a clean election for my community and for our country.

Also in order to keep our community healthy, I'm not giving them much problem by following the rules set by the officials of the barangay where i live in or anywhere else. I always put the my garbage on the trash bin, doesn't vandal and sometimes help someone on something like sharing my knowledge on them.

Little role can also make a very big difference in order to change or to have a great community. This will not only give you a great impression for yourself but also for the benefits of others.

Describe your community

The community where i belong is just like any other community out there, same kind of people, same amount of things that is running around the corner. As if you are just simply on the same compound. Once you get here, you will say that there is no instance that our community has any differences. Okay i was just kidding.

For you to visualize what kind of community i live in. I won't give the exact address since it is not really necessary, I live at the first purok in Barangay Marinig, one of the hidden barrio of Cabuyao, Laguna. I used the term hidden because it is not on the Cabuyao town proper. You have to ride a jeepney or a tricycle to be able to get here. Then you have to pass through a long rice field. Maybe 3-4 kilometers. I might say that it is a community in which resides in front of a public Elementary school. Also nearby a subdivision where a relocation has done which is oftenly called Southville Subdivision, maybe a few box away i guess. In our backyard area, you can see lake called Laguna Lake, a bay in which drains Manila bay via Pasig River. Just like a typical barrio, every morning or before the sun sets, we gathered ourselves outside of our houses, talking anything just to keep ourselves busy. Very unavoidable since our compound is compose of my relatives.

Lunes, Nobyembre 7, 2011

Filipino Values in my own view

Before anything else, let me tell you the meaning of the word Filipino. Filipino, if you search on the dictionary, it is defined as the people who are living or natives of the Philippines. Also called as an Indio by the spaniards, an Indio in their own definition is a lower rank people who doesn't have any authorities in anything, in other word, Filipinos are set to be very unvocably when it comes to their feelings even if they are ones who are the natives of their own country.

Values on the other hand is defined as the traits or characteristics that are either accepted or rejected by other. These are abstract and shared ideas about what is desirable, good and correct. It is also can be define as the cultural traits of people in the country in which they are raised. It can be either inherited by their ancestors or came from the other entities.

Filipino values is serves as a unique characteristic of the Filipinos despite of the differences wherever they were raised. It is the traits and characteristics in which they are known and being proud of because it serves as a good values were most of foreign countries salutes. Maybe there are somewhat same as the values that are inherited through the countries that invades us at the time of cold war but the cultural heritage of the filipinos are as unique as the filipinos living in the Philippines, a country in which resides on the southern part of Asia and also known as the pearl of the ocean.

Now after we defined the all of the necessary things that said to be our main topic for this blog, let us now what are the examples of Filipino Values. First of all, let us look for good values that every filipinos have,

Close family ties. We are known for being one because of our being very close to our families. Even if we already do have our own families, we tend to live with our parents and take care of them when they are old enough to show our love on them. We even depend on them on anything that is going to happen in our lives.

Smooth interpersonal relationship. With this kind of relationship, filipinos are tend to go on being loyal to one another as their deep friendship with one goes on. They even give gifts or food to show their friendship though they don't have enough money for it.

Hospitality. When you happened to go to the Philippines, you are going to see this characteristic of filipinos even you are a foreigner. This kind of traits happened when you asking for a direction, going to fiestas(feast) or asking for a favor. They are willing to help you without asking anything in return.

Joy and humor. Is there a time when something depressing struck you up?Have you had a big disaster happened to your life? Even a simple smile can't have a glimpse with your face is it? Well, this things happened but for filipinos those moments will pass but still be able to laugh at it and still can recite a joke as if those things are like jokes for them. For example, when the typhoon ondoy strikes, many houses are being flooded, even too many people are drowned and killed but when this happened or was just happening, many filipinos still survived and laughing at it not because they laugh at somebody but they are doing that because they are thinking that it happens for a reason and laughing at it will lessen up their burden and the new beginning will rise after it.

Loyalty. To be able to show the deep appreciation that one has given to them, being loyal is the one that is always comes to the mind of every filipinos. They show this to show that they have the good characteristics of being a person.

Ability to survive. If you go to anywhere in the world, you can count on that you can see Filipinos. They have the characteristics of being flexible and have the ability to survive even on the the very land of Iraq. This the traits that the Filipinos are really known. They can live anywhere, just give them enough reason to do so and they will willingly do it.

Religious.Filipinos, though don't have the same religions, are known for being religious. They always got to church every Sunday or whenever there's a mass. They do respect God all the time and prays when they needed to. They even celebrate fiestas pertinent to their Saint's birthday and give thanks for all the blessings that they received for the whole year and for the another year to come.

Inspite of all the things that we knew about the filipinos, like other countries, we too have a sort of undesirable characteristics that is quite unfavorable when it comes with making up with people around. These traits sometimes makes our economy got into a low level rank and we often can't get ourselves go into top. These traits are the few:

Self centered. When someone is too popular, being self centered is the thing that goes on their minds. They thought that they are too superb and they wanted to be the center of attention. In this kind of personality, filipinos are not an exception. They are known, through not all, specifically those who are on the position. They do like to be on the top, and don't want to be unrecognize by the other people around.

Crab Mentality.This characteristics are often seen in the Philippines politics today. For example, our government today have too much good plans for the future for the people of the Philippines but the other entities, like media and etc. do always have something to say in order to pull the government to the bottom. This is the reason why our country can't get over the puberty that we are experiencing ever since. We can't get over to see that the other people are being successful, that to be able for us to be happy, we tend to have a crab mentality.

Procrastination.Anyone can relate to this but, Filipinos, as one which has the highest rank when it comes to being procrastinator. The term "deadline" was always the thing that they search for when doing something. They tend to wait for that date to come before they go ahead and work for it. For example, every year Philippine government set a date for taxes to be paid. People won't go to municipal hall unless it is the last date of submittion, the result, more than hundreds of people line up on that date and the government even sometimes extend the filing of ITR so that all of the tax payers will accommodate.

As a part of my view I would like to acknowledge these book/site/person which broaden up my ideas in doing this blog.


Filipino Values - AMA moodle NSTP00B1

Philippines a unique nation

Mr. Raymond Mindanao - (Do's and Don'ts in the Philippines by Maida Pineda)

Article by :

Marian J. Reyes
28 years old
Marinig, Cabuyao, Laguna
Bachelor in Information Technology @ AMA Computer College-BiƱan campus
Euthenics 2 - section CD
Mr. Raymond Mindanao